Inauguration of Innovation Hub for Humanities – into social change

Higher education, Companies and organisations are applying human potential and technology to social and environmental problems.

Discover the kick off meeting of Innovation Hub for Humanities. Over 100 participants from different environment were encouraged to become more involved in social change.
In the 21st Century we are living in, the sharing economy, A.I, Internet of things or fourth industrial revolution need to embrace everybody so humanity can develop positively together. In order to achieve it, people from different sectors, backgrounds, and life experiences need to come together.

Gdansk-established Innovation Hub for Humanities encourages citizens to become more involved in social change. The platform facilitates “TEA” (think- engage-act) time to make the mind-shift move to creativity, stimulating  other people’s curiosity. The kick off meeting took place in Olivia Business Center and gathered 100 participants from different environment. Among the speakers from EU Commission (Dana Eleftheriadou – Advanced tech and AI for European businesses and social innovation, Anna Sobczak – The EU clusters policy, and Patrick Klein – The EU social economy), Europe innovators (prof. Leif Edvinsson – awarded Brain of the Year, The New Club of Paris, Advisory Board to JIN – The Japan Innovation Network and Norway Open Innovation Forum, Lund, GUT MBA Advisory Board, Alain Heureux – Trainer in Creativity, Innovation and Change, Brussels, Expert in EU 2030 High-Tech Skills Workgroup from European Commission (DG Grow), GUT MBA Advisory Board, Tomasz Radziewicz, Artists, Sculptor – the Witcher character designer, creature designe concept as well as Janaki Weiden – Human and Servant Leaders Requested!, Global Operations Director SAINT-GOBAIN Performance Plastics, Cologne, GUT MBA Advisory Board) the lead was taken by idea-givers and founders Barbara Stepnowska and Anna Grosiak. The meeting was a mix of current innovation and global trends, exchange of experiences from business to art personalities all in order to unlock innovation, and open new opportunities both for organizations and for individuals to grow. As the main focus the several capstone projects were presented with the message that everyone can join the teams or develop their own ideas from health, education, environment and diversity or digital inclusion.

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