MBA Creative Evening

Enabling ESG Integration in Banking

We invite the Gdańsk – Tech MBA Community to Creative Evening on May 11th. It will concern the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in the financial sector. Thanks to the presence of the special guest from Stockholm: Naja Nalapurakkal, leading technology transformation at Nordea to achieve sustainability targets, we will learn about the activities that Nordea undertakes in this area. We will discuss what challenges modern bank (and not only) faces while improving services addressed to their clients and trying “to make tomorrow a little better.”

We start at 5.00 pm in Nordea, Gdańsk, Oliva Business Centre.

Naja Nalapurakkal

Technology executive with over 20 years of management experience across financial services in both industry (Nordea, Fidelity investments), management consulting (EY and KPMG ) and technology consulting (Infosys technologies). Experienced in leading successful global multidisciplinary teams and exposure to the financial markets of United Kingdom, Australia and Sweden.

One of her current roles is leading  technology transformation for ESG at Nordea.


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