Pitching Day for XI & XII MBA editions!
Meet the Mentor’s Committee that will look deeper into each of the projects.
On 28 May at 04:00 pm through the ZOOM platform will be conducted a dry run for XI and XII MBA Students named PITCHING DAY. During this event our Students from two MBA cohorts will have a chance to challenge their project before the dissertation and get feedback. There will be project presentations as well as individuals. Each project team and individuals will face Mentor’s Committee, in which the following members are sitting:
• Bożena DeVries (Intel Corporation),
• Prof. Aleksander Orłowski, Gdańsk University of Technology
• Michał Bojko, Boeing
All current Students, Alumni and Lecturers are invited to watch, support and learn from each other – just submit your will to participate in the event by e-mail mba@zie.pg.edu.pl

Bo DeVries, Intel
Bo (Bozena) DeVries has held several regional and global roles across Human Resources-related functions at Intel Corporation. Currently, her focus is on empowering new employee performance and recognition solutions in support of corporate culture transformation. Bo has lived in Poland, the USA and then moved to Munich, Germany where she lives with her husband and their two teenage kids. The family leisure times include traveling (well, not nowadays) and cooking (lots of it over last 15 months!), with gołąbki and Mexican enchiladas being the favorites.

Prof. Aleksander Orłowski, Gdańsk University of Technology
Aleksander Orłowski, university professor, v-ce president of Gdansk Urban Development Association (FRAG), professionally involved in the research and development of the Smart Cities concept, co-author (2016-2017) of Smart City readiness studies of ten leading Polish city offices, author of the book: Process readiness model of the municipal office to reach Smart City (2019). Scholarship holder of the Minister of Science and Higher Education (Scholarship for Outstanding Young Scientists 2016-19), secretary of the Team for Urban and Metropolitan Areas of the National Spatial Development Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2019-2023), Member of the team developing the new National Urban Policy, which operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy and the Institute of Urban and Regional Development (group: digitization of city management), have held scientific internships at University of Newcastle Australia, Lebniz University Hannover, Visual Interaction & Communication Technologies VicomTECH San Sebastian.. Consultant of, among others, venture capital funds, local governments, start-ups. Member of organising teams incl. Smart Specialization project for the Pomeranian Voivodeship: Smart Port & City. Author of the “Smart City: Context, Policy and Government” course for students from the Latin America region.

Michał Bojko, Boeing
Michal is an engineering director at Boeing, a leading global aircraft manufacturer. With Michal, Boeing in Poland has grown to 230 software engineers, supporting multiple aviation businesses around the world. He believes that the most precious asset is always people. Every element of the strategy is co-owned by every team member working with Michal.
Michal started as a database maintenance engineer, moving to software engineering, customer maintenance , software design, and system architecture. He had the privilege to be the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional for a few years.
Later he took on more leadership roles and supported the big oil companies, national insurance companies, and national railways. Internationally, Michal, as a software engineering leader and P&L leader, worked for BP in the UK, Thomson Reuters in France, the chemistry sector in Romania and Germany, engineering and industrial software in the UK, and air conditioning industry IT services in Central and Eastern Europe.