#digital_transformation #leading_change, MBA’s Creative Evening

On November 13, 2018 took place MBA’s Creative Evening powered by DNV in Gdynia. This event was dedicated to our student’s companies’ experiences in the area of digital transformation and leading change. It was fulfilled by co-working sessions and networking circles.

We could not imagine more inspirational and involving evening at the end of the year! The meeting was attended by MBA’s Students and Alumni and a group of professionals from Tampere University of Technology in Finland, who came to GUT for a study trip of their Leadership Programme. The formula of the meeting was based on participants presentations. The attendees were welcomed by Barbara Geniusz-Stepnowska PhD – MBA Programme Director and today’s meeting host Dariusz Dąbrowski – Head of Department, QHSE, DNV GL – Digital Solutions, MBA’s 9th edition Student.

Among the people who presented were:

1. Nastassia Halich, Maya Yakieva and Jonasz Leśniczak, 9th edition MBA Students, sharing their experiences of Nordea Competition Case in November in Copenhagen.
More about the event here https://mba.pg.edu.pl/mbas-students-at-nordea-case-competition/

2. Marcin Czugan, President of Management Board, Association for Gdańsk University of Technology MBA Alumni, MBA’s Alumnus, presenting the idea and main goals of association and inviting for joining.
Contact: Marcin Czugan, mob. +48 695633585, stowarzyszeniembapg@gmail.com

3. Sarah Hager, Nordea, (on-line presentation) with presentation about digital transformation in financial area on the example and experiences of Nordea company.

4. Sami Hyrynsalmi (presenting), Assistant Professor of Software Product Management and Business, Tatu Hautamaki, Pirita Huhta, Outi Kunnas, Janne Lahtinen, Juha Lindberg, Students of Leadership Programme at Tampere University of Technology, presentation “#DIGITAL_TRANSFORMATION Case:Pori Enegia Oy” about transformation at Finland’s companies.

5. Krzysztof Nykiel, Area Manager at SATEL sp. z o.o., MBA’s 9th edition Student and presentation speech “Leading Change” with his professional point of view on this subject.

6. Łukasz Czaja, Vice-Chairman of the Management Board, Association for Gdańsk University of Technology MBA Alumni, MBA’s Alumnus, with presentation about “How digitalization changed the business irretrievably” with many case studies and professional perception”.

7.Dariusz Dąbrowski, Head of Department, QHSE, DNV GL – Digital Solutions, MBA’s 9th edition Student presented digital transformation in the field of DNV’s environment.

Thank You All, You were the best! Thanks are due to participants for joining and taking part in the networking circles as well as in the time for questions and answers. Special thanks to Dariusz Dąbrowski for hospitality in DNV’s building and Marcin Czugan for engaging the Association for Gdańsk University of Technology MBA Alumni in this event.

The next MBA’s Creative evening is coming at the beginning of the 2019. See You soon!


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