Gdańsk Tech MBA on the top in the Perspektywy Ranking 2021
It is undoubtedly a success! Our MBA programme has taken the highest place in history of the MBA rankings in Poland. We are the 7th!
The most opinion-forming educational monthly, Perspektywy, has just announced the list of the best MBA programs in Poland. The International MBA in Strategy, Program and Project Management at the Gdańsk University of Technology was placed on 7th position! It is the highest result in the MBA Perepsktywy Ranking.
Six criteria, consisting of a total of 24 indicators, were taken into account during the assessment, including:
- the opinion of the graduates
- rank and prestige
- support for the education process
- quality of students
- quality of the staff
- content-related features of the program.
In this year’s edition of the ranking, 41 programs were classified.
MBA Perspektywy Ranking 2021 (in Polish)
We thank all students, alumni, business partners and all MBA staff to contribute to this success!