Innovation Hub for Humanities | Social impact capstone projects

Innovation – collaboration of business, university, NGOs, cities
and engaged individuals to boost new technologies for social change.
Olivia Business Center, Gdansk Sky Club 12th Floor | 1st February 2019 | 3:00 pm  
Chaired by Alain Heureux

15.00 Introduction

  • Prof. Julita Wasilczuk, Dean of Faculty of Management
    and Economics, GUT
  • Dr Barbara Stepnowska, GUT MBA Director
  • Anna Grosiak, Head of Business Development, Sustainability Officer, Siemens, GUT MBA Advisory Board

15.20 Prof Leif Edvinsson – Upskilling based on Leader-ship, The New Club of Paris, Advisory Board to JIN – The Japan Innovation Network and Norway Open Innovation Forum, Lund, GUT MBA Advisory Board

15.40 Janaki Weiden – Human and Servant Leaders Requested!, Global Operations Director SAINT-GOBAIN Performance Plastics, Cologne, GUT MBA Advisory Board

16.00 Q&A

16. 20 Networking Break

16.45 Alain Heureux – Trainer in Creativity, Innovation and Change, Brussels, Expert in EU 2030 High-Tech Skills Workgroup from European Commission (DG Grow), GUT MBA Advisory Board

17.00 Innovation policy and Investment for growth at European Commission

  • Dana Eleftheriadou – “Advanced tech and AI for European businesses and social innovation”
  • Anna Sobczak – “The EU clusters policy”
  • Patrick Klein – “The EU social economy”
  • Q&A


  • Anna Grosiak, Head of Business Development, Sustainability Officer, Siemens, GUT MBA Advisory Board
  • Dr Barbara Stepnowska, Director GUT MBA , Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Expert in EU 2030 High-Tech Skills Workgroup from European Commission (DG Grow)
  • Presenting the Innovation Hub for Humanities Project


18.10 Students/Project Owners pitches

18.45 Sum-up for the future

19.00 Networking

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