This is it! Launch of the Impact Project

On 01 July 2021 students from XIII editions with MBA staff have launched the new Impact Project that aim is personal development and help for orangutans from Gdańsk ZOO.

Impact Project is conducted through gamification that aims on development of personal competences of each student in four pillars: Strategic Thinking / People Management & Self-Development / Operational Excellence / Foundations.

Students will complete the 36 tasks at any time, individually exceed the thresholds for which will receive interesting rewards. If they collect the right number of bananas with the group, they’ll adopt the couple of orangutans – representatives of endangered species – from the Gdańsk Zoo – Raja and Albert!

The Impact Project has three main aims:

1) During studies, students strengthen their managerial skills. Project aims to directly influence their personal development.

2) Thanks to the project, the entire MBA community is a leader in changing and reflecting the impact on the environment. We want to get involved locally and socially, acting pro-ecologically. By adopting an endangered species such as orangutans, we want to influence the awareness of the environment about palm forests and sensitize not only MBA students but the entire environment about it.

3) The project includes tasks aimed at networking of the group and greater integration. It will be realized through specially selected group tasks.

All activities and experience that the participants of the project will gain will translate not only into their perception of the world and personal development. It will give benefit in the development of the companies for which they work.

The entire impact project is carried out by the International MBA program with special support from the Faculty of Management and Economics at Gdańsk Tech.

The gamification was created thanks to the cooperation with the Center for Modern Education at Gdańsk Tech, thank you!

To get more information contact the Game Master:

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