MBA Admission – quick thoughts

The admission process for MBA Studies is going to end very soon!

We started the MBA admission for XV Edition in March 2022. Since then we organized few open admission meetings to answer all the questions our applicants had regarding our MBA Studies on Gdańsk University of Technology. The last meeting had place on 17.08.2022 and resulted in few more candidates willing to start the adventure with us.


MBA Studies – interviews

Each candidate after sending MBA admission form is invited for the interview with MBA Director and Quality Leads. We must admit that each meeting was very inspirational and showed us how many talented and ambitious people is going to join MBA Studies on GUT. Thanks to such people MBA Community is growing each year and we are very proud to take a part in the process of its development.


Last chance for MBA Studies – MBA Admission form

If you are ready to start the journey with MBA Studies, send your application form by clicking MBA Admission on our website. We are waiting for you together with our successfully recruited new MBA Students. As soon as you send us your application, MBA Admission Coordinator will contact you to guide you through the further part of the process.

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Sustainable Aarhus: An Inspirational Safari

Sustainable Aarhus: An Inspirational Safari

As part of the International MBA in Strategy, Program, and Project Management, our trip to Aarhus provided a profound look at a city where sustainability, community engagement, and innovative education blend.


MBA Programme Office

Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdańsk University of Technology
Traugutta Street 79, room 404
80-233 Gdańsk, Poland
phone: +48 58 348 63 55
phone: +48 517 849 332


MBA Director

PhD Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka
phone: +48 58 348 61 75



Gdańsk, Poland


Berlin 503 km
Vilnius 571 km
Stockholm 626 km
Minsk 743 km
Bratislava 930 km
Kiev 1104 km
Moscow 1444 km
Madrid 2833 km
Beijing 6965 km