MBA classes in the Museum of the Second World War
Students of XI edition will experience Strategic Management classes in the new, thought-provoking environment.

Once again one of the keynote is reflected in the activities of the MBA group. This time, during the weekend October 09-11 MBA GUT students of XI cohort will experience Strategic Management classes conducted by Rafał Stepnowski in the new, thought-provoking environment. Understanding the issues of Strategic Management needs special environment, that is why we decided to organize the module in spectacular location – Museum of the Second World War. Students will have an opportunity to train their mind and to feel different approach to strategic issues. Thinking about international aspect of the MBA at GUT, classes in such a place also gives a capability to learn about the complex history of the country and the region.
The unique place in Gdańsk devoted to the Second World War history cooperates with the subject of the MBA GUT Business Strategy module. There are to some extent related such topics like: the concept of strategy and its historical evolution; highly disruptive environment the corporations operate, methodologies as well as identification of the source of superior business performance.
Apart the participation in the business module, student will visit the main permanent exhibition.
See You in the Second World War Museum!