MBA Gdańsk University of Technology to Co-Host a Seminar about Firm-Idea

Mar 2, 2017News

The intellectual capital management will be the subject of a seminar entitled „Firma-Idea: Realne wyzwania, niematerialne wartości” (“Firm-Idea: real challenges, intangible assets”), which is going to take place on the 22nd of March at Gdańsk University of Technology.

The event consists of two parts: scientific, which is aiming to discuss the notion of intangible assets as a legal concept and a development idea, as well as practical, during which the business world representatives will share their observations and experience related to socially demanded changes in the way companies operate. The seminar will be accompanied by the MBA diploma ceremony.

“We want our graduates, who build the value of their companies and employers, to participate in important events, which open eyes and minds to new trends in economy and show them that the university is not only a source of knowledge, but also inspiration” says Barbara Stepnowska, PhD, MBA Director at Gdańsk University of Technology. The seminar fulfills this idea.

The inaugural lecture, introducing the participants into the conference subject, entitled „Firma-Idea, wartości w biznesie” (“Firm-Idea, Business Values”) will be given by Prof. Jerzy Hausner, who initiated the Open Eyes Economy intellectual movement and created the concept of a Firm-Idea, former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy. Authors of this initiative believe that the future belongs to innovative organizations, which become aware, socially sensitive and active participants of a great change taking place right now. Afterwards Bartłomiej Biga, PhD, will talk about sharing intellectual property and how can business benefit from it.

The first part, moderated by Dorota Sobieniecka, director of Gdański Klub Biznesu (Gdańsk Business Club), will be concluded by a scientific panel about intangible assets, entitled „To, czego nie możesz dotknąć, ale co może uczynić Cię bogatym – wartości niematerialne w rozwoju firmy” (“Something you cannot touch, but can make you rich – intangible assets in business development”). Prof. Jerzy Hausner, the GUT Vice-Rector for Internationalization and Innovation Prof. Piotr Dominiak and Maciej Barczewski, PhD, from the Univeristy of Gdańsk will participate in the discussion.

The second, practical part, called „Nachodzi nieuchwytne. Jak zmieniać biznes, by wygrać przyszłość” (“Approaching the intangible. How to change business and win the future”) will be hosted by Ewa Sowińska, vicepresident of Krajowa Rada Biegłych Rewidentów (The National Chamber of Statutory Auditors), while the introduction will be done by Zuzanna Skalska – design, innovation and business trend analyst, as well as Aneta Chybicka, PhD – psychologist, coach and Content Director of Instytut Miasta.

The seminar will conclude with a discussion panel entitled „Koniec kapitału jaki znamy, czas Firmy-Idei”(“The end of capital as we know it, the time of Firm-Idea”). The participants will include Rafał Stepnowski – Boeing Digital Aviation Vice President, Maciej Grabski – CEO of Olivia Business Center, Jolanta Łykowska – CFO at OCEANIC S.A., Szczepan Kniter – President of the Board of Trefl and Marcin Pęksyk, PhD, who specializes in business evaluation, with a particular focus on intangible assets.

The event is organized by Fundacja Gospodarki i Administracji Publicznej (The Foundation for Economy and Public Administration), Krajowa Izba Biegłych Rewidentów (The National Chamber of Statutory Auditors), Gdańsk University of Technology MBA Studies, Cracow University of Economics and Gdański Klub Biznesu (Gdańsk Business Club).

Prof. Jacek Namieśnik, Rector of Gdańsk University of Technology, is the patron of the event.

Jacek Krupa, the Marshall of the Malopolskie Voivodeship, is the honorary patron.

Co-organizers: Centrum Edukacji KIBR, Responsible Business Forum, Instytut Audytorów Wewnętrznych IIA Polska, Eskadra.

The event is sponsored by CURVER Sp. z o.o. , Olivia Business Centre, HK Finance, Farm Frites Poland SA, Jeppesen a Boeing Company, CRIST SA, DDS Poland and Sevenet SA.

Register here: (participation is free of charge)

The event is a part of preparations to the second edition of the international Open Eyes Economy Summit 2017, which is going to take place on the 14th and 15th of November 2017 in Cracow.

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