MBA GUT taking an active role during the XVI e-Congress MBA on May, 16 2020

The MBA GUT lecturers and Programme Council will conduct one of the panels titled “Industry 4.0 – Business in digital times. Competence. Challenges. Benefits.” during the XVI e-Congress MBA.

The Congress is the largest initiative of this kind in Poland that integrates students and graduates of MBA studies. This event, however, in this special year, will have an interactive character and has been entirely moved to virtual space. The Congress is primarily aimed at building an active platform for cooperation, exchange of experiences, broadening knowledge and horizons.

The specificity of the Congress is determined by combining speeches by scientists from Polish and foreign universities as well as leading experts and economists. As every year, the Congress will be attended by senior and middle managers holding the Master of Business Administration title, MBA Program Directors and scientists from Polish and foreign universities.

“Saving drives innovation, like other limitations. The only way to get out of a tight box is to make up your mind.” – Jeff Bezos, CEO and founder of Amazon. XVI e-Congress MBA consists of:

Discussion panels – 4 thematic panels conducted live and two pre-recorded thematic panels

  • PANEL I: Industry 4.0 – Business in digital times. Competence. Challenges. Benefits. – conducted by the MBA GUT lecturer and MBA GUT Programme Council!
  • PANEL II: Human capital in the industry 4.0 era.
  • PANEL III: Managerial development 4.0
  • Panel IV: Electromobility – The Future. But When?
  • PANEL V: Cities 4.0 – local government, business, culture.
  • PANEL VI: Industry 4.0 challenge for IT companies

This year, the admission fee will support the Department of Internal Medicine and Geriatry of the Cracow University Hospital – currently a homogeneous infectious diseases hospital where patients with SARS Covid-19 are treated.

Main site:


KSB Charytatywnie:

e-Congress agenda:



You are all welcome to take part in International MBA E-Congress!

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