Blended learning in practice – experiences of International MBA GUT

How should an MBA program with AMBA accreditation be managed during the crisis and restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic? How should we direct the students of this prestigious program? We are analyzing the effectiveness of blended learning and have chosen the best aspects of this approach for the current situation.

At the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to decide whether to conduct lectures, develop a remote learning approach or cancel lectures until the pandemic ends.
Our expert at the faculty and lecturer of the International MBA GUT program talks about his experience of preparing online lessons for MBA students at the University of Technology. He also shares his tips and expertise gathered during those classes.


Online classes – why should they work?

How to find our feel in a virtual reality? How to convince students to participate in remote classes? A few tips for beginners on this virtual adventure.


What interesting experiences can result from classes with MBA students?


At the moment International MBA of GUT leads the recruitment to the XIII MBA edition, which starts in October 2020. The number of candidates is limited.

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