MBA – Master of Business Administration? What is it?

Master of Business Administration – history and meaning

MBA (Master of Business Administration) is postgraduate studies dedicated to people working as managers. The first MBA Studies were conducted in USA in 1908 and the rapid development in this field took place in 50’s when many business schools opened their own MBA program. Master of Business Administration title represents the knowledge which person that graduates from MBA studies possess. That includes not only theory in such fields like economy, accounting, marketing and law, but also many practical skills: negotiations, human capital management, crisis management, risk management, business communication.

Who can become a Master of Business Administration?

As it was already mentioned, MBA studies are dedicated to managers and people working on business administration positons. Usually MBA programs require at least few years of managerial experience. There are also Executive Master of Business Administration Programs that are dedicated to people with extraordinary managerial experience – for examle more than 10 years of working on managerial position or working on high managerial position in international organization.

Do you want to become a Master of Business Administration? Join us!

Our International Master of Business Administration in Strategy, Programme and Project Management is one of the best MBA programs in Poland! If you are willing to receive MBA title, this is the good moment to send us your application as we are currently in admission process.

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