Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska
Information Skills for Business Careers
With information available in many formats and quality, it is very important to have skills that exploit the wide range of resources to retrieve, manage, and collect scholarly findings. The Library Training module aims to help MBA students to develop strategies and information skills to write assignments, projects, and thesis during their study. The module includes e.g. finding and evaluating electronic resources subscribed by Gdańsk University of Technology, reference management software, and other tools for managing information, or open access databases.
Magda serves as Head of the Scientific and Technical Information Services at the Gdansk University of Technology Library and the Leader of the Open Science Competence Center. Her main areas of research and interests include Open Science, Higher Education, research productivity, scholarly communication, and bibliometrics. Previously, she served as Library Assistant in Health Sciences Library at University College Dublin, Ireland. She holds her BA in Librarianship from Warsaw University, Poland, and earned her Master of Science in Digital Library Management from Boras University, Sweden. She is doing an external Ph.D. based on the research grant ‘Positive management of university: a new model of motivation” (UMO-2017/27/B/HS4/01033).
Magda has participated in numerous conferences and workshops, both national and international. She is a member of Early Career Higher Education Researchers, IATUL Special Interest Group for Library Services related to Research Data Management, member of Research Data Alliance, engaged in CESAER’s activities, substantive coordinator of training program POWER 3.4.