We Bid Farewell to Suddenly Deceased Professor Jacek Namieśnik

We suffered a loss words are not enough to describe.

Professor Jacek Namieśnik, the Rector of Gdańsk University of Technology, died today (14th April 2019) in his home in Gdańsk, most likely of problems caused by a heart condition. He was 69 years old.

The passing of our rector is a profound shock to the entire GUT academic community, as well as a painful loss for the scientific environment of Tricity and the whole country.

The Professor always had a special place in his heart for Gdańsk University of Technology. He dedicated his entire scientific career to GUT, always thinking about its development in the first place. His efforts were aimed particularly at assuring a place for GUT among the most prestigious research universities.

In these deeply saddening moments we extend our condolences especially to the members of the family of Professor Jacek Namieśnik, as well as to his associates and alumni, for whom he was truly a guardian and a master.

Details regarding the funeral ceremony will be published as soon as they become available.


Sustainable Aarhus: An Inspirational Safari

Sustainable Aarhus: An Inspirational Safari

As part of the International MBA in Strategy, Program, and Project Management, our trip to Aarhus provided a profound look at a city where sustainability, community engagement, and innovative education blend.


MBA Programme Office

Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdańsk University of Technology
Traugutta Street 79, room 404
80-233 Gdańsk, Poland
phone: +48 58 348 63 55
phone: +48 517 849 332
e-mail: mba@pg.edu.pl


MBA Director

PhD Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka
phone: +48 58 348 61 75
e-mail: mbadirector@pg.edu.pl



Gdańsk, Poland


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