Graduation Ceremony of XIII MBA Edition – 25.03.2023
On 25th of March 2023 Graduates of the XIII MBA Edition received their diplomas and officialy became MBA Alumni! It was a momentous for them and to the whole MBA Community.
The end of the adventure
The past two years of studies have certainly not been effortless. There was a lot of learning and challenges in online meetings and since restrictions were abolished – during stationary modules on Gdańsk-Tech. After overcoming pandemic obstacles, XIII Edition Students experienced another challenge – losing the Faculty building. Finding the new place for conducting the classes, travelling through the University Campus didn’t bother the Students and finally the defended their Capstone Project in December 2023. As the symbolic finale of their adventurous time on Faculty of Management and Economics, Students of the XIII Cohort met at the Heveliust’s Courtyard of the Gdańsk University of Technology. This place is a special one because inside it is a Foucalt’s pendulum, which indicates the rotation of the earth. This time, nothing limited us. Our Graduates came to the Ceremony with their families and friends which to spend their last hours as MBA Students with thier closest relatives.
We are Alumni!
The Graduation was conducted by Krzysztof Zięba, Associate Professor, MBA Quality Lead and Lecturer. Among distinguishing guests that delivered their speech was the Vice-Rector for Organization and Development Prof. Ph.D., D. Sc., Eng. Dariusz Mikielewicz, Dean of the Faculty of Management and Economics, Ph.D., D. Sc., Associate Professor Małgorzata Gawrycka; MBA Director, Ph.D. Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka. The power speech of the ceremony was delivered by Joanna Szulc, PhD – assistant professor in the Management Department on Faculty of Management and Economics. The speech was entitled “”New era for employee well-being: How to make work a happier place?”. Many thanks to the speaker for raising such important topic, especially nowadays.

Power speach by Jaonna Szulc, PhD
The best MBA Students and the outstanding Capstone Projects
Traditionally, during the Graduation Ceremony there was distinguished the best student. This year the award for the best student of XIII MBA Gdańsk Tech edition went to Francisco Crespo Lara.The award was received for high academic results and commitment in Gdańsk University of technology society.

Francisco Crespo Lara – The Best MBA Student of XIII MBA edition
The award for the Best Lecturer went to Ralf Knegtmans, who leads the module of Human Capital Management. Unfortunately Ralf could not join us during the Ceremony but he will receive the award during his upcoming module with XIV MBA Edition.
During the graduation, there were also mentioned the Best MBA Capstone Projects – the initiative connecting students, the business environment with social responsibility. The best Capstone Projects were:
• The Metaverse at Westerplatte through Augmented Reality which is preared by: Ralph Buckowski, Marek Dąbrowski, Katarzyna Łuczak, Hanna Mik-Samól. and supervised by lecturer Katarzyna Stankiewicz, PhD.
• ParQj implemented by: Anna Mikucka, Maciej Tałałaj, Francisco Crespo, Łukasz Pawłowski., supervised by the lecturer Krzysztof Zięba, Associate Professor.

Marek Dąbrowski, Ralph Buckowski, Katarzyna Łuczak, Hanna Mik-Samól together with their Supervisor Katarzyna Stankiewicz, PhD

Winners of the outstanding Capstone Project award, edition XIII
Marek Dąbrowski, Anna Mikucka, Maciej Tałałaj, Francisco Crespo, Łukasz Pawłowsk together with their Supervisor Krzysztof Zięba, Associate Professor – winners of the outstanding Capstone Project award, edition XIII
After the gala there was time for paparazzi, networking session and refreshments. We do thanks all participants for being with new alumni at this event. In the name of whole MBA community we wish all our new alumni all the best in their new business career with their solid educational background and develop newly acquired competences!