Pitching Day for IX MBA cohort
On 14 June in Olivia Business Centre, Olivia Four, Jowisz Hall we are organizing a dry run for IXMBA Students named PITCHING DAY.
During this event our Students from IXMBA cohort will have a chance to challenge their project before dissertation and get feedback. There will be project presentations as well as individuals. Each project team and individuals will face Mentor’s Committee, in which following members are sitting on:
Bożena DeVries (Intel Corporation),
Marta Moksa (Coworking O4),
Piotr Bucki (Bucki PRO) and
Barbara Geniusz-Stepnowska as Facilitator.
You can not miss it. All Current Students, Alumni and Lecturers are invited to watch, support and learn from each other. Please confirm Your participation by sending an e-mail on els@zie.pg.gda.pl.