Poland MBA Fees – Fees of our MBA Program on Gdańsk University of Technology

Many of candidates for MBA Studies is interested in MBA Fees. A lot of them consider MBA fee as quite high. However, not many of candidates are aware of what is included in MBA fee.


Poland MBA fees – what does it include?

The MBA fee which is required from every MBA Student covers many costs of which a lot of candidates are not aware. MBA fee for our MBA program includes classes with business professionals who have experience in work in multinational corporations, providing own business. Meetings with experts from many industries that share their knowledge and experience with our MBA Students are also covered from the MBA fee. Moreover, the MBA fee allows students to cooperate and work with academics and specialists, who not only share the knowledge regarding entrepreneurship and challenges related to providing the business nowadays, but also create the knowledge in these fields by their academic work. MBA fee covers also such opportunities like:

  • Visits in international companies during which MBA students can have the insight into other companies’ strategies and experiences
  • Work on the capstone project under the supervision of expert in the field which the final project concerns
  • Knowledge sharing (peer-to-peer learning) among other students who also possess a lot of knowledge in many kinds of businesses which may result in the long-term relationship with valuable and experienced professionals.


MBA studies = MBA fees

If you are thinking about the MBA Studies, you have to be aware of and ready for the high MBA fee. But the MBA fees covers your self-development and in result helps you to develop your career and achieve all your goals related to business.

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Sustainable Aarhus: An Inspirational Safari

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MBA Programme Office

Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdańsk University of Technology
Traugutta Street 79, room 404
80-233 Gdańsk, Poland
phone: +48 58 348 63 55
phone: +48 517 849 332
e-mail: mba@pg.edu.pl


MBA Director

PhD Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka
phone: +48 58 348 61 75
e-mail: mbadirector@pg.edu.pl



Gdańsk, Poland


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