
Everything rises and falls on leadership

John Maxwell

PhD Paweł Ziemiański

Pitching session

The Inspirational and Effective Communication module is aimed at presenting today’s challenges for managerial communication and ways in which it can be managed and improved.

In this module, the tutor Paweł Ziemiański supplements the most recent scientific knowledge, regarding the ways in which managerial communication practices influence people’s behaviour and attitudes in organisations with his professional experience gained during cooperation with people and companies representing different industries and branches.

As the module is not only about effective but also about inspirational communication, students can expect to learn about how storytelling in an organisational setting can be used to inspire others. Research findings indicate that employees tend to be increasingly more sceptical about their managers’ efforts to motivate them, so having the ability to use different tools to influence others may be even more crucial than before. Paweł believes that storytelling is one of such tools, and during the module there will be an opportunity to not only develop this ability but also to experience the effects of stories.

Paweł has always believed that academia and business can learn from each other, and decided to mould his career in a way that can validate this statement. Because of his professional experience and knowledge, he is able to present participants with important facts and lessons from the results of scientific studies, without losing a broader perspective, connected with everyday managerial practices and the ways in which communication can be managed by leaders.

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