
Everything rises and falls on leadership

John Maxwell

PhD Krzysztof Zięba

Business Economics

The aim of the module is to provide students with the contemporary knowledge about the economic environment of modern business.

The main objective is to help students to understand the mechanism of modern market economy, to use theoretical concepts in practise, and to understand the importance of global trends for business. This brief and compact module uses a variety of teaching techniques, including classroom experiments. Economic literacy test questions are used for self-assessment of students’ progress (pre-test and post-test).

Krzysztof Zięba works as a professor for the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Law, FME GUT. His major scientific interests include nascent entrepreneurship, family business, as well as small and medium size enterprises. He has participated in many scientific projects, including Pomorskie Obserwatorium Gospodarcze. He has conducted some his research abroad, being awarded fellowships at University of Glasgow in 2000 and 2012.

His teaching interests are focused on broad aspects of economics, including behavioural economics and managerial economics. He has been a supervisor for more than 100 bachelor and master theses, some of them for double diploma programmes (FH Stralsund). A few years ago he was selected as a participant for Training of Trainers Program in Economics, delivered by National Council on Economic Education, USA.

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