
Everything rises and falls on leadership

John Maxwell

Virginie Little

Sustainable Management

Sustainable development consultant, founder of Little Greenfinity.

Graduated in economics and law from the University of Bordeaux (France) and postgraduate studies in waste management at the Warsaw Business School (Poland) (SGH).

Bilan Carbone© certified consultant by the Institut de Formation Carbone and the Bilan Carbone Association to calculate the carbon footprint of organisations and municipalities.

Certified facilitator of the Climate Fresk workshops (La Fresque du Climat) based on the reports of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Through the consulting firm she founded, Little Greenfinity, Virginiaeadvises businesses on how to reduce the negative impact of their operations on the environment and reduce their carbon footprint, and municipalities on how implement sustainable city practices. She co-founded, with the Foundation alter eko, the first Zero Waste Fair in Poland (8 editions organised since 2017).

She is the author of numerous training programs for companies and municipalities, as well as the organiser of educational events aimed at target groups (from 5 to 105 years old). Since 2016, more than 4,100 people have taken part in her workshops and trainings.

With her husband and two children, Virginie practices a zero waste and low carbon lifestyle.

French living successively in Sweden, Poland and Portugal, married to an American, Virginie brings to her training and advice an additional element of multiculturalism and good practices applied all over the world.


“There are no passengers on spaceship  Earth. We are all crew”

Marshall McLuhan


Due to the growing concern for the condition of our polluted planet, the world of the 21 st century is moving towards sustainable development in almost every sphere of human life and activity. It is increasingly important to respect the expectations of stakeholders, including future generations, and their social, economic, and environmental needs. Public institutions, businesses, and non-governmental organizations engage in various initiatives and policies of sustainable development and at every step try to draw the attention of stakeholders to their responsible behavior. How do they do it? What is the role of our individual values in this process? How to manage it? Those are the questions we will try to answer during this course.
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