MBA Rankings 2024

MBA Rankings

MBA rankings are an important source for business candidates. Each MBA ranking takes into account multiple criteria:

the number of hours, the scope of the program, the profile of the lecturers and the characteristics of the

groups of students taking the classes.

All MBA rankings also take into account the opinion of alumni and the impact of MBA studies on their careers.

MBA Outlook Ranking

The MBA prospects ranking is the most important ranking of executive studies in Poland 2021 – we ranked 7th out of 10 MBA programs

New MBA ranking

The latest MBA ranking will be released at the beginning of 2024 and we hope it will turn out to be one of the best programs in Poland. International MBA rankings such as QS or Ed Universal are also important.

Looking for MBA programs

If you are looking for a good MBA program check the MBA rankings, but also the ranking of the institutions running the program. As an example, Gdansk University of Technology in THE WUR – World University Ranking improved its score from a year ago and ranked 5th among 35 Polish universities.

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