Alumni Reunion – 30 years of Faculty of Management and Economics, 15 years of MBA

Alumni Reunion of the Faculty of Management and Economics is the perfect opportunity to keep and refresh valuable relations from the time of studies. Such meetings allow also to network, meet new people and start interesting relations with alumni from different cohorts!

On the behalf of Ph.D., D. Sc. Małgorzata Gawrycka, Gdańsk Tech professor – Dean of the Faculty of Management and Economics, we would like to invite you for Alumni Reunion, to celebrate 30th anniversary of our faculty.

Alumni Reunion of the Faculty of Management and Economics takes place on 3th of December 2022, from 04:00 to 08:00 pm (official part) and to 5:00 am (unofficial part).

We invite also all Alumni of the MBA Studies which celebrate 15th anniversary next year.

Alumni Reunion program

In the official part participants will have the opportunity to hear inspirational lecture about current challenges and ideas how to face them, get to know what is currently happening on the faculty and also to take a part in Creative Team Session.

Of course, there will also be a good refreshment and surprise for those who will participate in the unofficial part of the event.

But that is not over!

During the Alumni Reunion there will be charity auction from which donation will go to Centrum Terapii Wyspa run by Fundacja Wyspa Skarbów, that is created by wonderful people, who are engaged in rehabilitation of disabled children, supporting these children and their parents on the way to self-reliance. By donating this Foundation, we can also show support for those with limited budget by assuring them free rehabilitation for their children.

The unofficial part of the event we will create together, according to our will and needs.

Where do we meet?

For the official part we meet on the Hevelius’ Courtyard (Main Building, Ground floor), and for unofficial part in Kwadratowa Club.

Every Alumni of the Faculty of Management and Economics of Gdańsk University of Technology is invited!

Don’t forget to encourage friends from your academic year to take part as well!

Entry Fee

From the perspective of Alumni, the cost of Alumni Reunion is 80 PLN. The other part of organizational costs is covered by the Faculty. Entry fee covers official part, refreshment and unofficial part in Kwadratowa Club.

Deadline for application and payment:

Application and payment should be made until 20th of November 2022, using the form below:

The payment should be made until 20.11.2022.

Details for payment:
Politechnika Gdańska Wydział Zarządzania i Ekonomii

80 PLN for the following bank account number: 06 1090 1098 0000 0001 3760 3473

Title of the transfer: Zjazd Absolwentów WZiE [name and surname]
If you are interested in getting actual information and notifications regarding the Alumni Reunion (nearest one and future ones as well):

1. Follow our social media
2.  Sign in to Electronic Book of Graduates

You are warmly welcomed!


Organizational Committee for Alumni Reunion
Joanna Czerska
Ewa Marjańska
Anna  Maria Trzaskowska
Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka
Sławomir Ostrowski
Co-organiser: Alumni of Gdańsk Tech

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