MBA Creative Evening: The Modern Business Currency is Trust

Together with our MBA Alumni and Member of MBA Advisory Board – Michele Fiorini, we would like to invite all MBA Students for the Creative Evening that takes place in the Conference Room of Hotel Eureka on 15th of December 2022. We would like to bring Students’ attention to the importance of trust in business.

Trust is one of the few elemental forces which seems to glue society together as many sociologists agreed, but it is also an economic asset. In business with the absence of trust fragmentations can appear, but with it present, there is the opportunity to flourish.

Our economic model of modern society is founded on the customer’s freedom of choice with the production and distribution systems building around close interpersonal relationships filtered by the logic of the brand. The advent of internet as a great democratic communication system facilitate the spread of information. Customers are now more informed and demanding, less and less willing to accept leaps of faith rather making comparisons. Within the virtual network society a new horizontal and exchange-based relationship has been shaped, founded on peer-to-peer exchange and its ability to generate trust. The Apple computer co. shows how a mix of communication, identification and social differentiation has led to building an online-offline community founded on trust towards its brand (although its history is full of failures).

As MBA Student you are invited to challenge your perception and the language we commonly use about trust: what is right and what is wrong in sentences like: “How do I build trust?”. What is the trend of trust in society over the past decades? What is the relationship between trust and transparency, if any? What is difference between trust and trustworthiness? These and many more questions will contribute to the creative discussion moderated by Michele and participated by all attendees

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Sustainable Aarhus: An Inspirational Safari

Sustainable Aarhus: An Inspirational Safari

As part of the International MBA in Strategy, Program, and Project Management, our trip to Aarhus provided a profound look at a city where sustainability, community engagement, and innovative education blend.


MBA Programme Office

Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdańsk University of Technology
Traugutta Street 79, room 404
80-233 Gdańsk, Poland
phone: +48 58 348 63 55
phone: +48 517 849 332


MBA Director

PhD Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka
phone: +48 58 348 61 75



Gdańsk, Poland


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