International MBA GUT in 2019

New resolutions and expectations come with the New Year. In the case of the MBA programme, they will be certainly a continuation of the activities of 2019, which was unique to the entire university MBA community.


Let’s write it clearly and briefly: 2019 year was unique in the International MBA GUT history.


We have done many things for the first time in the history of the programme. It results that MBA GUT’s society is getting bigger and programme is going more international.

For the first time in the history, GUT started new TWO cohorts (XI and XII) of the International MBA in Strategy, Programme and Project Management. (read more…)

For the first time in the history, MBA GUT was ranked as the only one from Poland in the international QS ranking, which classifies the best MBA EXECUTIVES programmes in the world. (read more…)

The other first times you can discover in four chapters below. They are full of activities and initiatives that you can be a part in 2020!


CHAPTER I: Innovation first.

“Barcelona Inspirational Safari” – A group of 20 students from 8th GUT’s MBA edition with their mentors visited Barcelona on May 20–22 2019 for an Inspirational Safari. They visited many organizations and companies dealing with innovation, creativity and future technology for citizenships.

Day 1“Imagine the Future” – GUT MBA students challenged their imaginations through aspiring to be great creators and listening to special guest speakers talk about the need to renew our gaze on the world. (read more…)

Day 2“Innovation” – At this point, the world of innovation changed from theory to reality. One of the visit brought MBA students to an unexpected meeting with cyborgs – people equipped with additional electronic senses through hi-tech devices that use current technology… (read more…)

Day 3 – “Smart City”
On day three, the MBA group discovered engaging projects and speakers presenting on how they use tech for the good of their community. The city wants to turn that potential into an Internet for Citizens. How to invent products and sensors that have real needs in the citizenship? (read more…)

CHAPTER II: Toward social support.

We – MBA staff, students and business partners decided that it’s time to take action for humanity. Using knowledge potential, expert’s experience and business attitude was created INNOVATION HUB FOR HUMANITIES. The initiators of Innovation Hub were Anna Grosiak, Business Development Director and dr Barbara Stepnowska, MBA Director at GUT.

The first inaugural meeting of the Hub took place on 01 February 2019 and gathered world class inspirer such as:

  • Leif Edwinsson, the trendsetter, Brain of the Year,
  • Alain Heureux, Innovation Expert,
  • Janaki Weiden, Global Operations Director at SAINT-GOBAIN
  • Dan Eleftheriadou, Patrick Klein, Anna Sobczak from the European Commission

The idea is to trigger cooperation between MBA students, MBA mentors, world-class inspirers and worldwide companies to prepare MBA final thesis that can be easily converted into social business. (read more…)

TELESCOPE PROJECT – the real fruit of the Innovation Hub

How can we combine the efforts of business, artists and technical minds in order to do something important for others? How can we build a social value for business projects? – An example answer is Telescope project – converted MBA project final thesis into real social business. It is first sterling outcome of Innovation Hub for Humanities made entirely by MBA students from VIII edition.


Telescope project “TELESCOPE.EDU” creates a platform that will connect and facilitate building relationships and transfer of knowledge and competences between companies and schools.

Barbara Stepnowska, PhD, MBA GUT Director, became an Expert at the European Commission in Brussels for EU 2030 Advanced Technology Skills.

CHAPTER III: Passing the knowledge.

Open Eyes Economy on Tour in Gdansk 2019 – MBA GUT was a partner of the conference “Relations – A New Foundation for Development”. Business practitioners, academics, local government officials and representatives of non-governmental organizations, nearly 270 people in total, wondered, among others, whether we appreciate the value of relations, what limits us in building them, and how to use their potential for the development of cities, business and education. (read more…)

Pitching Day for IX MBA cohort – new initiative that gave possibility for students from IX MBA cohort to challenge their project before dissertation and get feedback. There were project presentations as well as individuals. Each student had an valuable tips from Mentor’s Committee: Bożena DeVries (Intel Corporation), Marta Moksa (Coworking O4), Piotr Bucki (Bucki PRO). (read more…)

Barbara Stepnowska, PhD, MBA GUT Director, became an auditor at the International Visibility Project, implemented by the Perspektywy Educational Foundation under the program of the Minister of Science and Higher Education “DIALOG”.

CHAPTER IV: Sports competition.

MBA GUT running team consisted of MBA staff (lecturers as well as programme director) and it’s families took part in the Independence Day Run with PKO BP in Gdynia!

MBA PG relay team on the 5th Gdańsk Marathon! – MBA PG team members were represented by students, alumni and MBA Director – Safranow Marcin, Stepnowska Barbara, Andryszak Piotr, Kaszkur Joanna. They set time: 03:27:12 and gained 9th place! (read more…)

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Alumni Opinion on MBA at Gdańsk-Tech

Alumni Opinion on MBA at Gdańsk-Tech

Recently, our 15th MBA Cohort graduated from our MBA Program. As always, we asked our Alumni what are their impressions and reflections on their journey on our Faculty as MBA Students.

Sustainable Aarhus: An Inspirational Safari

Sustainable Aarhus: An Inspirational Safari

As part of the International MBA in Strategy, Program, and Project Management, our trip to Aarhus provided a profound look at a city where sustainability, community engagement, and innovative education blend.


MBA Programme Office

Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdańsk University of Technology
Traugutta Street 79, room 404
80-233 Gdańsk, Poland
phone: +48 58 348 63 55
phone: +48 517 849 332


MBA Director

PhD Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka
phone: +48 58 348 61 75



Gdańsk, Poland


Berlin 503 km
Vilnius 571 km
Stockholm 626 km
Minsk 743 km
Bratislava 930 km
Kiev 1104 km
Moscow 1444 km
Madrid 2833 km
Beijing 6965 km