
Małgorzata Bieniaszewska

Małgorzata Bieniaszewska

Małgorzata Bieniaszewska Business Negotiations and Conflict Resolutions Małgorzata is an owner and creator of MB Pneumatyka, an automotive company, which after being successfully transformed from a family manufacturing plant into a thriving research and production...

Michał Bojko

Michał Bojko Pitching Session, Jury Member Global Software Engineering leadership Community Evangelist Global Talent Management Michal is an engineering director at Boeing, a leading global aircraft manufacturer. With Michal, Boeing in Poland has grown to 230 software...
Michael Burkert

Michael Burkert

Michael Burkert Management accounting for enhanced decision-making and control The module conducted together with prof. Rainer Lueg → Michael Burkert works as a professor for managerial accounting and control at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). He is...
Juan Carrera

Juan Carrera

Juan Carrera Marketing and Business Model Workshop In this module, students will get a real time, real world understanding of current customer purchasing behaviors, and will learn how the use of new and innovative marketing strategies are a must in today’s...

Bo De Vries

Bo De Vries Pitching Session, Jury Member Bo (Bozena) DeVries has held several regional and global roles across Human Resources-related functions at Intel Corporation. Currently, her focus is on empowering new employee performance and recognition solutions in support...
Bob Dignen

Bob Dignen

Bob Dignen Business Communication Bob Dignen is an international coach, trainer and leading author in the field of international team and leadership development to major global corporates including Zurich Group, Media Saturn, Henkel, Credit Suisse and Roche...
Leonidas C. Doukakis

Leonidas C. Doukakis

Leonidas C. Doukakis Bio: Leonidas C. Doukakis is an Associate Professor of Financial Accounting at the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB). Prior to his appointment at AUEB (2020), he was Assistant Professor at HEC Lausanne, University of Lausanne and...
Mark Galanter

Mark Galanter

Mark Galanter Operational and Business Excellence After completing his MBA module, students should be able to understand and appreciate the origin of operational excellence, as well as understand how it may become a source of sustained competitive advantage in...
Alain Heureux

Alain Heureux

Alain Heureux Bio: Alain Heureux, responsible of two Modules in your MBA Journey : 1° Creativity, Innovations & Entrepreneurship 2° Innovation, Cultural Change and Digital Transformation Alain Heureux, serial entrepreneur starting his first company in 1984 and...
Ashim Kumar

Ashim Kumar

Ashim Kumar Strategic Leadership  Leaders are like elephants; very difficult to describe to someone who has never seen one! Leadership and Personal Development – in this module we will explore, what makes leaders effective and to identify common features between them....
Ralf Knegtmans

Ralf Knegtmans

Ralf Knegtmans Human Capital Management Ralf Knegtmans is a managing partner and statutory director of the renowned Dutch leadership consulting and executive search firm, De Vroedt & Thierry focusing on the higher echelons of the business community (senior...
PhD Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka

PhD Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka

PhD Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka Bio: Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka is a psychologist, with a PhD in management, and a graduate of Gdańsk University and Jagiellonian University in Crakow. She is an assistant professor and academic teacher in management psychology, business...